That coach you just invested in but didn’t tell your husband about…
The trip that you know you need to take but don’t know how to bring it up…
Or maybe the fact that you just gave your notice at your job and aren’t sure how to let him know without having to get a divorce.
This video shares 4 Steps to Have a Difficult Conversation
Here’s a summary of your steps:
Step 1: Schedule a time to talk
Discuss in advance that you wish to have an important conversation and make sure you have enough time and more to speak about the issue. This not only gives the message that it’s important but also holds you accountable to have the conversation that you may have been avoiding.
Step 2: Use a softened start-up
A softened start-up, coined by Dr. John Gottman, is when you bring up a conversation with a gentle and calm demeanor. Before bringing up your issue, take a deep breath and speak from your heart. Don’t start angrily or aggressively, that will just put your partner on the defensive.
Step 3: Make eye contact
It goes a long way!
Step 4: Listen
If you are bringing up something difficult, chances are, the person with whom you are talking is probably going to want to give you his or her two (or fifty) cents as well. The importance of listening cannot be overstated!
Check out my video for more info:
Is it time for you to have a difficult conversation?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Cheers to thriving in business and love,
Shauna Sanders says
Relationship Tuesdays! How did I not know about this?? This is perfectly timed as I’m about to have a “difficult” conversation with my husband. I started off wrong by trying to have it in bed and he said “not now, I’m 1/2 asleep” so the next morning I said “let’s set a time for this talk”. Step 1 down!
Jenev Caddell says
Shauna!!! I am so late in my reply to this – so sorry about that but am very glad to hear that you checked off Step 1!! Hopefully by the time this comes through Step 2 is checked off as well and you are way past this difficult conversation! Thanks so much for your comment!