I will never forget one of my favorite clients of all time, let’s call her Lucy, who could so intensely feel the pain of others around her, as well as their joy, and it truly lit her up to see someone doing well or feeling well.
I broke the news to her one day as she anxiously sat on my couch: “Sounds like you’re an empath.”
She went to scour the internet later that night for more information, and lo and behold, she agreed.
The problem with being an empath is that you care so deeply about how others feel, you often might shut out your own emotional experience.
That can be dangerous in love and in business.
The solution?
You have to FORCE yourself to be selfish.
It might come naturally to others, but you truly need to force yourself to be selfish.
That’s how you’re going to start thriving in love, and showing up your best in business.
Put your needs first.
Take time to understand what they are, and express them clearly.
That can be as simple as letting your partner know when you’re feeling disconnected, or honoring your own policies as a business owner, even when they might bring up discomfort in your clients.
It’s really that simple, but can be hard to do when you’re running around trying to make sure everyone’s okay. You can actually block the perception of your own experience since you’re so attuned to the needs of others.
When you slow down and think about it, though, it can actually be asinine to think that you sacrificing yourself or your experience is actually good for someone, especially your partner.
I have seen so many couples make deadly mistakes in love by tip toe-ing around each other.
Your partner needs you. So start showing up.
That means putting yourself first for a change.
I’m doing this more and more in business and have been better to everyone in my life, including my clients, as a result.
All you empaths, take some time to mind your boundaries.
I know you’ve heard it before, but tighten up again.
Your empathy has the power to change the world in a big way, but only when you learn how to use it in a way that honors that power.
Let me know in the comments below one small thing YOU can do to take better care of YOU, and you might inspire someone else to do the same.
Cheers to thriving in business & love (even all you empaths out there…ESPECIALLY you),
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