Disrespectful Wife? “She snaps at me for no reason.” “I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around her.” “It’s like I’m always on thin ice, I never know who I’m going to get.” These are the comments I hear on the regular from heterosexual married men who tell me that their wives are […]
The Game Changer: Curiosity In Your Relationship
One thing you need to embrace more of in your distressed relationship (and dare I say, what we need more than ever in the world at large) is this: Curiosity. When we are in extreme pain, however, the last thing that we are is curious. We’re too busy feeling our intense pain, or more commonly, […]
Feeling Unloved In Marriage
Sadly, more and more people are feeling unloved in marriage. If you’re feeling unloved in marriage, you’re not alone, though you likely feel entirely alone, and the pain is unspeakable. This post discusses the achingly lonely feeling of feeling unloved in marriage, what to do with it, and some alternative explanations of what may really […]
On Building Trust And Why Assumptions Are Deadly
Building Trust It’s no secret that one of the keys to a solid relationship with anyone, romantic or otherwise, is trust. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.” – Warren Buffet Trust is built over time, in small moments. In the business world, someone might check you or […]
How To Have A Difficult Conversation
Difficult conversations …You want to go on a yoga retreat in Bali for a week and you don’t know how to bring it up with your partner because you know they aren’t going to like the idea of it. …You “heard a rumor” about a close friend (not a nice one) and you want to […]
Doubts About Compatibility
Got doubts about compatibility in your relationship? Some doubt in the beginning phase of any relationship is totally normal, but you’ve been together for years and you’re still questioning things. “I think maybe we’re just not compatible.” You’re not alone. You’ve been fed a fantasy version of what love and relationships should look like, Disney […]