Late last year I read Mike Michalowicz’s book: Profit First to help me manage finances better in my business (highly recommended if you run your own business). At the beginning of the year, I started following part of his system: Take a certain percentage of your income twice monthly and send it off to a separate […]
How To Respond, Not React (Even When You Want To Claw Your Partner’s Eyes Out)
How can I respond, not react? You had a disagreement and just want to resolve it, but your partner is so checked out, again. You approach him (or her) nicely. No response. You feel it starting: your blood starts heating up, not quite boiling, but getting there. You restrain yourself, take a deep breath, you […]
True Success In Love And Life Starts With This
Success in love and life looks different for everyone. I think we can agree that success is something that leaves us fulfilled, feeling good about ourselves and the people around us, and happy with our lives in general. Satisfied. Grateful. For many of us (likely you, too if you’re reading this), having integrity is part […]
Take Space (So You Don’t Need To Ask For It)
“Take Space” These are the words of my 5th grade teacher when we’d scribble our handwriting onto blank pages. In other words, don’t try to squeeze all of your words into the minimum space possible. Take space! Your words deserve breathing room. Why I remember this particular detail, I don’t know, but the phrase had […]
Tracy Thought She Had To Choose Between Her Husband And Her Business. Then This Happened.
When I met Tracy, she was ready to leave her marriage. She felt like she had to choose between her husband and her business. She had been in toxic relationships before, had a history of abuse I won’t get into, and swore to herself that she would never deeply get involved with someone prior to […]
Your Vision Is Too Big For Self-Sufficiency
Business owners, visionaries and entrepreneurs are highly self-sufficient. Perhaps you can relate. You get the job done really well, right? Sometimes it can be hard to rely on others because their standards aren’t up to par. Listen, I get it. You know the feeling when you delegate something or ask for help and the person […]