Just apologize. Own what you did and say “I’m sorry.” Of course, for an apology to be effective, you have to mean it, and your actions have to demonstrate that as well, but these two words are extremely important. It can be hard to own when you mess up if your relationship is already struggling. […]
Why you need to understand your emotions to be better at everything you do
Why it’s key to understand your emotions I’m assuming if you’ve found your way here you want more from your life. Likely an improved relationship, greater success, satisfaction, joy or an unwavering sense of inner peace. Maybe you want something external, like a gorgeous ski-on-ski-off chalet in the Swiss Alps, but at the end of […]
When you’re married to a slob
Are you married to a slob? It’s always the same argument: Your partner leaves her crap all over the place and you feel like you’re the only one who cares enough to pick up. Sometimes you feel like the maid, picking up her dirty cups, clearing the counter, and loading the dishwasher perfectly while she […]
Codependent or Compassionate?
Have you ever done a favor for someone you care about that’s a bit out of your way, and you ask yourself, “am I being codependent, or compassionate?” Maybe it FEELS good to help someone out, and you still wonder: “Am I being codependent, or compassionate?” It’s even convenient to help someone out with something, […]
How to form deeper connections
In this disconnected world, do you crave deeper connections? I believe that when you’re truly connected to yourself, like really connected, you tap into the magic of the universe. Sounds crazy, I know, but being able to do that can help you create the kind of life that blows your dreams out of the water. Often […]
On Demonizing Empathy
Empathy. I caught wind of a study to be released in Health Psychology that examines the psychological and physiological effects of parental EMPATHY on a child. Dictionary.com defines empathy as: 1. the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. 2. the imaginative ascribing to an object, as a […]