One thing my almost 2-year oldĀ has come to really enjoy is throwing. Naturally, when he throws sand and it lands in food or in someone’s personal space, it is not appreciated. Or when he throws dinner on the floor, I try to draw the line. I have to teach him “right from wrong” and put […]
What my toddler reminded me about emotions
The other night… I was giving my kid a bath and he taught me a lesson. A lesson I have learned before, and one I teach, but one I need to be reminded of too. He’s obsessed with basketball lately. Naturally, the fishing toy net we have for him to catch the different toy animalsĀ in […]
Pregnant and fighting? Here’s what to do:
Are you and your partner expecting for the first time and you can’t seem to get along? Does he blame it on the hormones and does it drive you crazy? Let’s face it, having a baby can be exciting and joyous, but is also quite stressful. If tension is running high in your home and […]