Disrespectful Wife? “She snaps at me for no reason.” “I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around her.” “It’s like I’m always on thin ice, I never know who I’m going to get.” These are the comments I hear on the regular from heterosexual married men who tell me that their wives are […]
Feeling Unloved In Marriage
Sadly, more and more people are feeling unloved in marriage. If you’re feeling unloved in marriage, you’re not alone, though you likely feel entirely alone, and the pain is unspeakable. This post discusses the achingly lonely feeling of feeling unloved in marriage, what to do with it, and some alternative explanations of what may really […]
How To Respond, Not React (Even When You Want To Claw Your Partner’s Eyes Out)
How can I respond, not react? You had a disagreement and just want to resolve it, but your partner is so checked out, again. You approach him (or her) nicely. No response. You feel it starting: your blood starts heating up, not quite boiling, but getting there. You restrain yourself, take a deep breath, you […]
Upgrade Your Life; Change The World – With Denise Duffield-Thomas
What an honor it was to connect again with one of my favorite entrepreneurs on the planet: Denise Duffield-Thomas. Denise has been one of my mentors over the last several years since I discovered her work and joined her Money Bootcamp. She is a money mindset mentor for the new wave of online female entrepreneurs, […]
5 Hazards Of Business On Your Relationship (And What To Do About Them So That You Can Protect Your Greatest Asset)
Today, buckle yourself up to discover 5 hazards of business on your relationship (and what to do about them so that you won’t be another statistic.) Visionary, creative entrepreneur, innovator, healer…I’ve got news for you: You are especially susceptible to relationship difficulties. In this post, I’m going to share why, and what to do about it. […]
Feeling Insane In Your Relationship
When you’re in severe relationship distress, it might feel like your world is ending. It can feel like you’re going insane in your relationship. Like Shirley (her name is made up + details are a combination of several clients to protect privacy). She was ready to leave her marriage when she called me last year. […]