You likely want success in love. It’s something that feels good. It’s something we’re meant for. It’s part of being human, to enjoy more love in our lives and in our hearts. And, thanks to science, we know love is really good for us. The Case for Marriage is a book that demonstrates how marriage really […]
What Are You Hiding?
What are you hiding from your partner? What are you hiding from yourself? What are you hiding from your business? Shame forces us to hide. Guilt is the THOUGHT that we did something bad. Shame is the FEELING that we ARE something bad. So we should be hidden. Shame is an emotion that binds to […]
The Darkest Place In The Universe – Your Shame Hole
Shame: It will suck you in and cause you to question yourself a thousand times over and remain paralyzed in fear, doubt, not-knowing… The shame hole. Have you been there? It’s dark, you’re so far from everyone, you’re folded into yourself, curled up, head down, hiding, turned away. Shame is what’s called a “binding emotion” […]
The Relationship Poison that No One Tells You About
It serves an evolutionary purpose to help us survive by maintaining a certain level of cooperation among humans, but if it goes unchecked, it can be a relationship poison. What am I talking about? Shame. You know the feeling. Let’s do a little exercise in case you don’t. (because there’s nothing quite like getting in […]
One thing you must do to right your wrong after an affair
Are you trying to make your relationship work after an affair? Infidelity is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a relationship. Not all affairs are created equal, but all are extremely painful and difficult to overcome. This post will be nowhere near comprehensive, as it takes time, work, patience, risks and […]