Welcome to week 3 of our 5 weeks of daily habits to create your best relationship.
Click here to access week 1’s daily habit.
Click here to access week 2’s daily habit.
The third habit we’ll be talking about is so obvious but needs to be mentioned since neglecting it is one of the biggest mistakes that couples make:
Making time for each other.
Last week we discussed the importance of emotional presence, and by now, if you’ve been implementing the daily habits, you’re likely much better at being emotionally present with yourself.
As a result, you’re better able to express your emotions to your partner, and be emotionally present with him.
Here’s the thing, though:
If you’ve got no time for each other, your ability to be emotionally present with each other doesn’t count for much.
As we discussed last week, being present is more than just being together, but you’ve gotta be together.
“But I’m so busy.”
I know. As a parent, a business owner and wife (and introvert and lover of time alone as well), I get it.
But would you rather be busy or be happily married?
It’s up to you.
Your relationship needs to be at the top of your priority list.
You over-deliver for your customers or clients, you’re a great parent to your kids, you are probably even a good friend.
Your other half needs you too.
Set aside time to spend together.
Put it on the calender.
Make it happen.
Need some help creating more time?
Here are a couple tips:
1.) Get diligent about your time management.
Set limits on social media and email checking and work with greater focus.
Block your calendar into 90-minute chunks where nothing can distract you from the task at hand and you’ll be sure to get more done.
If that feels like too long, try to use the “power hour” technique of working in 45-50 minute chunks with 10-15 minute breaks.
Most people spend 8-10 hours a day of work getting 1-2 hours of real work done.
Beat the system by tightening up your time management and eliminating distractions.
2.) Get more support
You don’t have to do everything in business or in your home. In fact, if you think you do, you will never get anywhere.
This tip is not key just for you to have more time with your partner, but for your overall success as a business owner.
Delegate whatever you can.
There are menial tasks in life and business that a college can help you with at a cost well under what you’re hourly rate is.
Find them and get some help.
Your daily habit:
Start calendaring in more time together.
I’m not saying you need to have a date night every night, but think about prioritizing your relationship more by devoting more of your time to it.
Now that you appreciate each other more and can be more emotionally present with each other, you’ll start enjoying the time you do spend together a lot more too.
Tell me how you’re doing in the comments below.
Keeping up with the daily habits?
I’m curious to hear.
Enjoy your time together this week (and moving forward into the coming ones as well)!
Cheers to thriving in business & love,
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