Welcome to our 4th week of daily habits to create your best relationship.
Click here to access week 1’s habit.
Click here to access week 2’s habit.
Click here to access last week’s habit.
Today we’re talking about desire.
Specifically, the importance of being enough in touch with yourself to know what your desires in your relationship are.
We can also discuss certain desires as “needs.”
For example, a need for closeness, as Coelho spoke of, or for understanding or trust.
We need to call a moratorium on the idea of being too “needy.”
We have collectively disowned our needs for each other in a society that upholds individuality and autonomy, and we have done ourselves a disservice in the process.
As a result, countless people swallow their needs and desires and sometimes even lose touch with them.
Said needs and desires may disappear from awareness, but do not disappear all together.
Rather, they go unmet, and as a result, people are quietly dissatisfied in their lives.
Your key to getting in touch with your needs and desires is using your emotional awareness to discover them.
You have been honing that emotional awareness and presence for two weeks now, right?
Your job is to use that awareness to discover what it is that you really need in your relationship, and from your partner.
Be clear about those needs and desires.
If you communicate what it is that you want, you’ll usually get it.
The problem is that too few people actually know what they want, much less communicate it.
Your daily habit
Spend time yourself if you need to and get really clear on what you desire from your partner.
And then here’s the tricky part: Tell him.
Remember, your partner is not a reminder.
The more clear and open you can be about what you need and desire, the more likely those needs and desires will be met.
This will not only make you happy, but will satisfy your partner because there are few things that he wants more than to make you happy.
Leave your comments below on how your daily habits are going.
Cheers to thriving in business & love,
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