What you pay attention to is what you will see more of.
What you appreciate appreciates.
Turn your back to the crap you don’t want.
Worries, lean financial months, health scares — all of those things that you shouldn’t even be thinking about.
All good.
What happens when you turn your back on what’s most important?
One thing I’ve noticed about entrepreneurs is that you guys do this.
(***raises hand, I’ve done it too***)
You leave behind what you turn your back to.
Remember why you started your business in the first place:
To live your life on your terms — not having to deal with the nonsense of a bureaucracy, being able to work late at night instead of getting up at ungodly hours because you’re simply not a morning person, or whatever else a “life on your terms” looks like for you.
To do what you love and serve the world better because of it — teaching yoga, helping people brand their businesses, traveling the world as a photographer or whatever your thing is.
To have the best possible lifestyle for your family — booking vacations without having to fill out a piece of paper, sending your kids to the best schools, and simply having more fun and quality time together.
As you continue invest yourself and energy in taking your business to the next level, it is easy to turn your back on what’s most important.
You’re consumed by your business, and you love every second of it.
You’re on a fast track of personal growth as an entrepreneur while you’re at it.
Suddenly you’re not the same person who started this business.
You didn’t see this wild ride and these changes coming.
Guess what?
Those around you didn’t either.
And they have no idea what’s going inside of you unless you tell them.
My message to you:
Be very aware of what’s happening with you and how it’s impacting those around you.
Stay connected by talking about these changes.
Don’t forget to tend to your relationships.
If you feel tension on the rise in your relationships, it’s only natural.
Pay attention.
And start early, or else you’ll be involved in a downward spiral of disconnect that places your business and your partner at odds with each other. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can thrive in business and in love.
When both of these areas of your life are in flow…well, wasn’t that the point in the first place?
Don’t keep turning your back on love, and you won’t have to be like Cher singing “If I Could Turn Back Time.”
Got it?
If you need some guidance, I can help.
Join my Facebook group of business owners like you who refuse to settle in love.
Cheers to thriving in business & love,
P.S. I’ve got some amazing new opportunities to work with me at no-brainer rates as well.
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