Having kids has been one of the best things for me as a person and as a business owner, as challenging as it is.
It’s forced me to really pay attention to my priorities.
See, setting boundaries hasn’t always been my forte. (And because we teach what we need to learn, this is something I help women entrepreneurs with all the time.)
I was that business owner for a number of years who worked a full-time job and then saw clients in the evening, getting home to my man late at night on the regular only to get up the next day and do it all over again.
I loved my work, helping others and getting paid for it, but something had to give. This was obviously not a sustainable lifestyle if I wanted to remain married, or if I didn’t want to be that person who healed other people’s relationships while her own was falling apart.
So what gave?
I got a new boss, a tiny boss, but a demanding one: My son.
I had a baby, quit my job and built a successful business that didn’t require me to be out of the house for 15-16 hours at a time, and life was good.
My business has since evolved and we started a new chapter, escaping the rat race in NYC and moving to the country.
I closed my in-person practice, now only work virtually, and enjoy more space and more proximity to nature. We commute less and see each other more. Good for us and good for the little bossman. Again, it’s about priorities.
And now there’s a new boss in town.
We’ve got the toddler under control, but just had a baby a few weeks ago, so it’s back to serious boundaries for me, and a coaching practice and business truly by design (as they say).
I’m not going to carry on and keep having children to keep my boundaries in check, but this new boss does remind me of my WHY about the biz I’ve created:
- Working on my terms
- Having more time with my family
- Constantly creating a stronger relationship with my man
- Cutting out the bullshit (bureaucracy, commuting, etc.)
- Being more effective and having a greater impact as a coach and healer
- Enjoying life more as a result
That being said, my hours are more limited and I’m less able to take on as many clients at this time as I was pre-bosslady.
As I take care of her and myself (and our lovely son who is taking the “new baby” thing really well, and of course my relationship), I am even more on fire about helping you do the same as you grow your business while creating a rock solid relationship with your partner.
My message to you, that I’ve been reminded of by my new boss, is this:
- Work according to the schedule that YOU determine
- Make sure to prioritize the things that are important to YOU (and not only when they literally need you for their own survival — think: Your relationship, your health, exercise, etc).
- Consistently check in with yourself about your business and your boundaries and whether they are both serving you in the best way possible.
Take care of yourself and your big priorities first, which likely include a strong relationship.
I am so grateful that the evolution of my own boundaries has been thanks to healthy babies.
How and why are you going to tighten up things in your business today?
Let me know in the comments below about your business and boundaries.
Cheers to thriving in business & love,
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