Complete with worksheets and exercises to do with your partner (or on your own to learn about how you operate in love), this book will show you what a healthy relationship is all about, and gives you practical steps that you can take toward achieving it.
This book is perfect for you if:
- You need to improve your relationship but can’t stomach the thought of going to couples counseling
- You are ready to understand love and make it work for you
- It’s your time to finally feel happy and connected in your relationship
This book is not your answer if:
- You are in an abusive relationship
- You are unwilling to look at yourself and your own patterns in relationships
- You think everything is your partner’s fault
- You are currently having an affair and are unwilling to stop
While this book does not substitute good couples counseling, it can help you determine whether additional professional help is necessary to take your relationship to the next level.
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