What my move has to do with your relationship
It would only be appropriate to quote a Billy Joel song as I’m leaving NYC – I just can’t resist!
Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes, I’m afraid, it’s time for goodbye again
I’m not saying goodbye to Hollywood, but to my office in the Big Apple.
It is bittersweet!
And I’m not 100% sure about what the road ahead has to offer, though I imagine it will be amazing.
I could have easily spent a few more months or even years in this office.
And quite frankly, I don’t feel ready to move out of this space that has been such a good home to me and my work.
My point here is to start before you’re ready
Because even though I am not totally ready, I know it’s my time for a new adventure with my family.
And I will share a video below documenting some of my last moments here, starting something new before I’m totally ready, and why it’s crucial that you do the same in your relationship.
See, a mild irritant or problem in your relationship is like a pebble in your shoe.
You can walk a mile or so and you may be okay.
But if you run a marathon, you’re going to have some serious foot damage…trust me.
Your relationship together is a marathon
If there’s the equivalent of a pebble going on in your relationship – a growing distance or ongoing issue that continues to drive a wedge between you – you need to address that.
Don’t put that off before it becomes a boulder.
I know it’s my time for something new
As difficult and disruptive as it is to say “goodbye,” I am saying “hello” to so much more.
I am doing the work now to reap the benefits tomorrow.
I urge you to look closely at your relationship and address what needs fixing before it becomes insurmountable.
Here’s my quick video saying goodbye to my little corner for the past few years in NYC:
Cheers to removing those pebbles and to your best relationship,
Best of everything to you and your family with your move. It’s an adventure, but somehow, I know you are going to love it. It’s quite a change but it seems like a great place to raise a family.
Cheers! I’ll be watching for more news.
Thank you so much!