Is that “freedom based business” you’ve dreamed of running starting to run you?
Time to get more help.
Like it or not, as an entrepreneur, the critical thing you always need more of is support.
I get it, no one can do it quite like you, it’s hard to hand over tasks and can be tricky to delegate.
Perhaps you’re saying you’re not earning enough to justify hiring someone.
The thing is, there are tons of people out there who are simply better at you at a lot of things.
I’m seeing that left and right in my own business.
At one point, I was too proud to even hire a web designer, so I bought a DIY website design course thinking, “I’m smart, I can figure this out,” and nearly lost my mind.
Then I pulled out my hair for hours trying to integrate a newsletter opt-in with mailchimp and finally hired a Virtual Assistant. The first one took my money and ran (rookie mistake on my part, I have done my forgiveness work), but the second one set it up in like five minutes flat and then asked me what else she could help me with.
Honor thy zone of genius.
Hire the rest out.
If you’re like me, you may know the importance of what I’m saying but still have a hard time letting go with more and more tasks.
Stretch out of your comfort zone and keep delegating.
I’m writing this today as I have a handful of coaches helping me with a number of different projects, an amazing woman who cleans our place now delightedly watching my 4-month old, and an assistant kicking my social media rear end and SEO-ing my website in a way that I have completely neglected to do.
His first FB post on my site performed 95% better than ALL OF MY OTHER POSTS.
You know why?
He’s operating in his zone of genius.
No matter how much I try to learn social media, I don’t. I feel like I just fundamentally don’t understand it.
Have I gotten frustrated? Yes.
But guess what? I don’t have to understand it inside and out. I probably wouldn’t be able to anyway!
Sweet relief!
I have no interest in learning how to do some of these things or cleaning toilets, for that matter, and quite frankly, I’m not efficient or good at lots of this stuff.
Knowing that I have a support team of stellar people helping me run this business helps me breathe easy and enjoy the life that this business is being built around (in that order, building my business around my life. You can do it in whatever order you choose: Your rules.
I can turn off from my business, really be with the people I love, knowing it’s in good hands.
And when I want to really be with my business that I love, I can hand over my little girlie to her new sitter, knowing that she’s in good hands.
The critical thing you always need more of is support.
Today’s post is your challenge to delegate even more off that to-do list.
What else could you get help with?
Let me know in the comments 1 thing that you could delegate.
This is your sign that it’s time to get more help.
Bring more love into your business with good people backing you up, and watch the love in your life flourish that much more as well.
Cheers to thriving in business and love,
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