Because of how of our brains are wired, many of us can be quick to criticize what’s wrong and neglect the celebration of what’s right.
This becomes problematic because we typically get more of what we pay attention to.
For example, a couple may get through a tremendously stressful experience as a united force, when in the past, the stressful experience may have divided them. They may not recognize how great of a job they did as a team getting through the experience, unless pointed out.
A business owner may suffer a hardship that may have knocked her out of the game a year ago and caused her to think about quitting, but she recovers after a day instead of a month and gets back to work. She may not recognize how differently she handled that situation due to the personal work she has done on herself, unless pointed out.
I want you to know how powerful a different angle of focus can be.
It can truly change your business, relationship and life, big time.
Slow down to find what’s really going well.
Celebrate that.
Many of us are often hesitant to celebrate what’s going well, I used to be that way too.
It can feel too risky.
“What if I let my guard down and celebrate, only to have the rug pulled from underneath me?” you may wonder.
I used to wonder that too.
As a result, I spent time in the past cautious, not believing it until I see it, which was like holding up a dam against a massive rush of greatness that was trying to flow my way.
I see people do this all the time.
Take down the dam.
Life is short, and lived in each moment, so when you have things to celebrate, really celebrate them.
Whether the rug is pulled out from underneath you or not, those moments of joy can never be taken away from you.
This positive emotional experience of joy is what we’re all after, yet as Dr. Brene Brown notes, joy is also the most terrifying of emotions.
Recognizing that you might shut down joy or refuse to celebrate out of fear or skepticism is an excellent bit of self-awareness.
Once you become aware of that, you have more of a choice when good things come your way about what to do with them.
I encourage you to take the path that might feel a bit more uncomfortable or out of your nature at first, and choose to celebrate.
You’ll see more and more forward momentum toward increasing experiences of joy.
Also know, you’re more than capable of riding out those experiences when things feel like they don’t go your way. There’s no need to take them on before they’ve arrived, because they might not even arrive, so stop getting lost in the worst case story possible.
It’s a mental discipline.
With more of us practicing, we’re evolving together toward a better reality for all.
Let me know in the comments, what’s one thing you can celebrate today?
To your great celebration,
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