A really interesting article was published in the New York Times this week, “Should therapists play cupid?” Check it out here. Basically, the author, a psychiatrist, discusses his own temptations to set up his patients with each other, or even with other people in his life. He acknowledges that doing this sort of thing would […]
Top 9 danger signs of a relationship in trouble…and what you can do about them
Is your relationship in trouble? John Gottman, PhD, is a leading psychologist in the area of marriage and relationships. Over the years, he has researched countless couples and has been able to predict with surprising accuracy which relationships survive and which fail. I know you are busy and may not have time to read his […]
The secret single most important factor in selecting the right therapist for you
Struggling in your relationship and finally convinced your partner to come to counseling with you? Feeling post-holiday blues or even worse depression and ready to do something about it? Are you desperate and lonely and just feeling plain shitty about things and you are tired of getting useless advice from friends and family? Perhaps you […]