Total Human Optimization You’re after it! Bullet proof coffee, green juice, Bikram yoga, intermittent fasting, cold showers, superfoods, shroom coffee, WIN THE MORNING! And let’s talk productivity: Pomodoro, bullet journals, eating the big frogs, wait, what? Either way — you name it, whatever “life hack” is coming down the pike, you’re onto it. Health, efficiency, […]
7 Tips For Successful People To Have Successful Relationships
2010 was a pivotal year for me. I got married! I also got the courage (and the health insurance) to prioritize myself and my aspirations by leaving my stable job to be fully self-employed. One thing I knew I needed if I was going to go full-time into business for myself was some help. So […]
True Success In Love And Life Starts With This
Success in love and life looks different for everyone. I think we can agree that success is something that leaves us fulfilled, feeling good about ourselves and the people around us, and happy with our lives in general. Satisfied. Grateful. For many of us (likely you, too if you’re reading this), having integrity is part […]
Feeling Like Not Enough in Your Relationship
Ever find yourself feeling like not enough for your partner? And then spiral into worry about whether or not you’re right for each other? And you start freaking out about the relationship ending? First off, you’re not alone with this worry. And second? Perhaps more importantly? You’re more than enough. I know, easier for me […]
Stuck And Disconnected In Love
Something doesn’t feel right in your relationship? Feeling stuck and disconnected? As a successful person this is not your norm. You want to live fully and a connected and satisfying relationship is part of that. Yet something’s not working. What to do? Quit blaming yourself, first of all. Few have learned to get this area […]
Codependent or Compassionate?
Have you ever done a favor for someone you care about that’s a bit out of your way, and you ask yourself, “am I being codependent, or compassionate?” Maybe it FEELS good to help someone out, and you still wonder: “Am I being codependent, or compassionate?” It’s even convenient to help someone out with something, […]