How can I respond, not react? You had a disagreement and just want to resolve it, but your partner is so checked out, again. You approach him (or her) nicely. No response. You feel it starting: your blood starts heating up, not quite boiling, but getting there. You restrain yourself, take a deep breath, you […]
True Success In Love And Life Starts With This
Success in love and life looks different for everyone. I think we can agree that success is something that leaves us fulfilled, feeling good about ourselves and the people around us, and happy with our lives in general. Satisfied. Grateful. For many of us (likely you, too if you’re reading this), having integrity is part […]
What NOT To Do With Your Trouble In Your Relationship
Got a personal issue or trouble in your relationship? An easy way to ruin your relationship is to keep all of your trouble to yourself. Let’s talk about 2 kinds of trouble and tackle each separately: 1.) Your personal troubles – unrelated to the relationship If you are reluctant to ever “burden” others with your trouble […]
When You’ve Never Had Good Role Models In Love
I hear it all the time, “we just haven’t had good role models in love.” You may be worried you’re doomed to a lifetime of unfulfilling, unhealthy and perhaps toxic relationships. Even worse, maybe you’ve found someone who appears to be the love of your life, but you just can’t figure out how to connect. […]
Codependent or Compassionate?
Have you ever done a favor for someone you care about that’s a bit out of your way, and you ask yourself, “am I being codependent, or compassionate?” Maybe it FEELS good to help someone out, and you still wonder: “Am I being codependent, or compassionate?” It’s even convenient to help someone out with something, […]
RelationTip Tuesday – When Things Don’t Feel Right
Welcome to another RelationTip Tuesday! What do you do when things don’t feel right in your relationship? Press play to find out what you can do! What are YOU going to do next time things don’t feel right? Let me know in the comments below. Cheers to thriving in business and love,