Sadly, more and more people are feeling unloved in marriage. If you’re feeling unloved in marriage, you’re not alone, though you likely feel entirely alone, and the pain is unspeakable. This post discusses the achingly lonely feeling of feeling unloved in marriage, what to do with it, and some alternative explanations of what may really […]
On Building Trust And Why Assumptions Are Deadly
Building Trust It’s no secret that one of the keys to a solid relationship with anyone, romantic or otherwise, is trust. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.” – Warren Buffet Trust is built over time, in small moments. In the business world, someone might check you or […]
Feeling Insane In Your Relationship
When you’re in severe relationship distress, it might feel like your world is ending. It can feel like you’re going insane in your relationship. Like Shirley (her name is made up + details are a combination of several clients to protect privacy). She was ready to leave her marriage when she called me last year. […]
Keeping Secrets In Your Relationship
Caution: Loaded topic. Are you keeping secrets in your relationship? Before going further about this, let me tell you that most secrets in an intimate relationship if you are long-term committed partners are toxic. Poisonous. Secrets are things you are either keeping from your partner on purpose or explicitly lying to them about. Before going […]
Your Inner Critic: A Subtle Intimacy Killer
Your inner critic could be ruining your relationship and you may not even be aware of it. Got intimacy issues? Connection and communication problems? Can’t seem to understand each other? Find yourself walking on eggshells, uncertain how to talk about things together that you feel couples should be able to handle? Is there a growing distance […]
Feeling Like Not Enough in Your Relationship
Ever find yourself feeling like not enough for your partner? And then spiral into worry about whether or not you’re right for each other? And you start freaking out about the relationship ending? First off, you’re not alone with this worry. And second? Perhaps more importantly? You’re more than enough. I know, easier for me […]