Last weekend was perhaps one of the most expansive of my life.
I met with my first class mastermind group and business coach and had a ton of breakthroughs.
Perhaps one of the most relevant was something I’ve known intellectually, but do not always embody nor realize its importance in every area of my life.
The power of the present.
I’ve written extensively on the significance of presence as it relates to creating healthy and strong relationships, but this weekend I came to terms with how important being present is for making money.
Since working with my amazing coach, I have become more comfortable investing in myself and my business at a very high level. I say “yes” to opportunities that require money when otherwise I would have said “no.”
I’m able to do this because I’ve become more grounded in my money story.
But, in the (very recent) past (like maybe 72 hours ago), I’d get up in my head and think about the money.
I’d ask the wrong questions about savings or retirement. And in doing so, as it was pointed out to me, I’d remove myself from the present.
I’d be in orbit, lost somewhere, enabling a truth that was more harsh than reality.
Admittedly, I allowed myself to worry about the money, even though I knew better.
The truth is, when you get into your head, thinking too much about the future and worrying about finances, you take yourself out of the present, which is where the gold can find you.
Ironically, I’ve been telling my clients this for years, as it pertained to their relationships.
This weekend, I got it for myself, as it related to my business and making money.
Whether it’s about money, love, or anything else, when you get too far in your head, you get out of the present. Anxiety is always about the future or the past. And it blocks people from living their lives in their zones of genius, making more money, and having better relationships.
An effective way of managing anxiety is by simply being present with it. Tons of research exists on how effective mindfulness meditation is on anxiety.
But when you’re truly present – rooted in the ground – there is no anxiety.
There just is.
Then you can easily see the opportunities all around you, the next steps you need to take, and the money and love right under your nose, that you’ve been missing all along.
When you’re truly present in your relationship, you bring your most authentic self – the person your partner fell in love with in the first place. You get to see each other for who you really are. The stories you have been telling yourselves that only block a deeper connection because they are up in your head and not on the ground of reality that you both live on then fall to the wayside.
Your love gets to breathe, deepen, and fill you.
It’s not always easy to be present, particularly when our stories have become our realities and keep us in orbit and out of ourselves. But all it takes is a decision and a commitment to take the higher road, the one here on earth.
That’s what I’ve done with my money story. I simply made a decision. I’m getting expert guidance and support and my feet have been pulled to the ground. With the help of eyes that can see more clearly than my own through my mess, I’m canceling the old story, and the new one is so much better.
And you can too.
You shouldn’t needlessly suffer from anxiety, just because that’s how it’s been.
The trick to making money and love easily and joyfully is by being present.
And if you’ve never been shown what a strong relationship or money mindset looks like, don’t give up if you’re struggling. Just get expert guidance and support.
An abundance of wealth and love is available to you. And it’s right here, right now, all around you.
Come join me back here on earth, and claim it.
Cheers to thriving in business and love,
Eleanore Strong says
Yup! The present is all we have. It’s really funny – I’ve noticed that almost all spiritual advice can be boiled down to this one simple point: BE PRESENT.
“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” –Lao Tzu
Jenev Caddell says
Yes, Eleanore! It’s so true – presence and the current moment is really everything, the only place where the magic is. Love the Lao Tzu quote too – thanks for chiming in!