Money problems are said to erode many a relationship.
You’ve likely heard it too: Financial problems are the #1 cause of divorce.
I disagree.
In this post, I share why we see money and love so often butting heads, and a few things you can do about it so that you’ll never have to be a statistic in the “we got divorced because of money” camp.
First, let’s explore what money and love are all about. It comes down to one word:
That’s why we get so heated about both.
We ultimately NEED both for our survival.
Without love or money, we’d literally die.
You probably understand that about money as it represents shelter, food, or those must-have shoes (totally kidding I didn’t even know what Jimmy Choos were until recently), but we take for granted the fact that we also need safe and loving connections in our lives as well. Loneliness is lethal.
Not surprisingly, money problems and relationship problems can lead to feelings of panic and terror for some. They are discussed with life and death metaphors, since that’s how these issues register in our brains.
We need to be mindful of this, and remember, both are extremely important.
The good news is that neither love nor money is limited unless we see it as such, which is when individuals AND couples start experiencing relationship AND money problems.
Money mindset is a tricky thing, just like your inner template on how to get love right.
Both are established when we are children, but neither are set in stone.
In other words, we can change the way we view and feel about both money and love so that we can enjoy and share more of each. And so they can stop competing for our attention.
(I share with you just how to do that in Revolutionize Your Love, which is a 6-week program with me where we change up your inner game of love so you enjoy the safety, support and pleasure of a truly healthy and strong relationship.)
If money is presently causing issues in your relationship…
I’ll bet that’s because one or both of you is perhaps unknowingly more committed to your beliefs around money than your connection to one another.
The solution is the recognition that your love and your connection with one another is more important than all the money in the world.
When you can really embrace that, know it in your bones, and acknowledge that to each other, you’ll be able to be a little bit more open minded about the money. You’ll recognize that your partner may be wed to their money mindset, but your marriage comes first.
When you have a strong connection, anything is possible.
You can weather any storm that comes your way.
And whatever storm does come your will strengthen that connection when you get through it together.
Working on your money mindset helps too.
Looking at limiting ways you think about money is not only a liberating process because it FEELS good, but it actually helps you CREATE more financial flow in your life.
Then, you can’t blame money on your problems in love or anywhere else.
There are all kinds of resources out there to help you with this, but one of my all time favorites is Denise Duffield-Thomas’ money bootcamp.
Last year I had the chance to talk with her about what to do when you’re doing all kinds of work on your money mindset and your partner is negative.
You can check that interview out here.
In the meantime, why not sign up for her program so you can make more money?
Plus, when you join using my affiliate link, I am GIFTING you my program, Revolutionize Your Love, so that you can not only clear out those money blocks, but set yourself up for the greatest love in your life as well (the biggest love and money blocks share the common denominator of self-worth issues).
When you can set yourself up for success financially and in relationships, you’re freed up to be more creative, more generous, more loving and have and even bigger impact in the world.
It’s needed!
Join Denise’s program today and we’ll get you set up with Revolutionize Your Love to boot.
Just click her lovely image below:
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