Welcome to RelationTip Tuesday! You need to apologize — you know you screwed up and you’re genuinely remorseful. So, how can you apologize in a way that truly matters, and hopefully gets through to your partner? Press play to find out! Was this week’s tip helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below. Cheers […]
Busy Couples
Why Relationships Are So Hard
Holding off on getting involved with yet another relationship, because all you know is that relationships are so hard? You get involved with all the wrong people, or become someone else once you get involved? Perhaps you lose yourself in love. You’re only excited by the jerks, by the ones who don’t give a hoot […]
How Ignoring Your Needs Is Killing Your Business (and your relationships) – And What To Do About It
Too many of you have buried the implicit GOLD of who you are (and we ALL have gold within us) under many layers of muck, programming, false beliefs, perceived limitations, and all the rest. Strip away that crap? Pure gold. You’d be surprised to learn that much of what’s involved with saving a marriage is […]
2 Things Happy Couples Do To Stay Close Before And After They Feel Far Apart
In a world that keeps seemingly getting busier, with more distractions than ever, it can be easier and easier to lose touch with your significant other. Over time, mild irritation can quickly turn into resentment, especially if you let things fester (so don’t). Before you know it, suddenly your dream come true has become miles […]
RelationTip Tuesday – Reframe
Welcome to RelationTip Tuesday! Today’s tip about a mental reframe might even save your relationship! Click play to find out how. Do you have trouble believing you’re on the same team? Let me know in the comments below. Cheers to thriving in business and love,
The Quiet Cancer of Your Relationship (and maybe your business)
Following the footsteps of my husband, I did something big last weekend. I took Facebook off my phone. I asked him if he thought I could go all weekend without looking, and I was a little nervous. Could I do it? I’ll be honest – I never was really into Facebook or any social media […]